Plaid settlement 2022

Who's Eligible:
Any U.S. resident who owns or owned one or more “financial accounts” accessed by Plaid, or for which Plaid obtained their login credentials, between Jan. 1. 2013, and Nov. 19, 2021, and the Class Member was a U.S. resident at the time
If you used any of these apps you can file this claim! 
Get a full list of apps here apps here

A Settlement has been proposed in class action litigation against Plaid Inc. (“Plaid”). Approximately 5,000 mobile and web-based applications (“apps”) use Plaid to enable users to connect the app to the users' bank account(s). This class action alleges Plaid took certain improper actions in connection with this process. The allegations include that Plaid: (1) obtained more financial data than was needed by a user's app, and (2) obtained log-in credentials (username and password) through its user interface, known as “Plaid Link,” which had the look and feel of the user's own bank account login screen, when users were actually providing their login credentials directly to Plaid.


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