Four-year-old Ava Jorgensen, was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, Stage 3, High-Risk Cancer.
Neuroblastoma is a cancer that forms in the nerve tissue. Ava’s tumor is located in her abdomen and
is touching her bladder, stomach, and heart. It is wrapped around her aorta and is currently
inoperable. Ava is in a fight for her life. Over the next fifteen to eighteen months she will have to
undergo six cycles of chemotherapy, radiation, and a bone marrow transplant. Her family and friends
are hopeful that, upon completion of these treatments, the tumor will shrink and her doctors will be
able to safely remove it. Ava’s mother is a single mom struggling to raise a family of six. Ava has
two sisters and two brothers, all between the ages of eleven and fifteen months old. Please help Ava’s
family and friends as we plan a benefit for Ava in an effort to help with upcoming medical expenses.
Ava’s benefit will be held at 1 15 Bourbon Street on May 1 1, 2013
1 15 Bourbon Street is located at 3359 W 1 15th Street, Merrionette Park, IL
Donations can be made at any First Midwest Bank location
Ava Jorgensen Benefit Fund ~ FEIN: 90-09 1 1 837