My #FREE 4 Packs of Matlaw's Stuffed Clams From Walmart Today !!

My #FREE 4 Packs of Matlaw's Stuffed Clams From Walmart Today !!

HOT finding today on my Walmart trip. I think I printed this coupon a little over a week ago . I can tell because it is green. I ran out of white paper. But hey..... You got to do what you gotta do. LOL
 Sorry but this coupon is no longer available.I hope you printed already :( When I say Hurry and print. Its for a reason!!!
I was able to get 4 packs of Matlaw's Stuffed Clams FREE plus +  $2.08 in overages so it was a money maker :) Yeaa


4 Packs of Matlaw's Clams = $17.92
Use 4) $4.99 Off Matlaw's Product Printable Coupon ( Not available anymore)

TOTAL PRICE: FREE + $2.08 to spend on anything else in your cart!
(Walmart allows overages. Meaning if your coupon is more then what the product costs. You can spend the remaining amout on anything else.
My coupon was for $4.99 off and the Stuffed Clams were only $4.48

Dinner at my house tomorrow! Guess whats on the menu?

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